Jack Doohan says F1 test helped personal growth before first podium

Jack Doohan says F1 test helped personal growth before first podium

Jack Doohan says his first outing in a Formula 1 car helped improve his skills before his first podium in FIA Formula 2.

Jack Doohan during the Alpine test in Qatar. (Alpine)

Speaking to the In The Fast Lane podcast, Doohan says his growth as a driver was what attracted him to the Alpine Academy.

"Everything is just times 10, to be honest…"

"Absolutely everything is just better," said Doohan.

The Aussie completed his first run in a Formula 1 car in a private test with Alpine in Qatar last weekend.

"There were elements that I knew were going to be extreme, but then when it actually happened it still surprised me."

"The braking performance is just obscene."

"It's just absolutely unbelievable and something that you prepare for, you know it's going to be good but predicting that was just not possible."

"The amount of downforce into entry on even slow to medium-speed corners, how much speed you can just throw in, was outrageous."

Doohan secured his first podium in Formula 2 on the weekend, qualifying on pole position but missing out on the win due to tough tyre conditions.

He says that his time with Alpine helped him bring more focus and perspective to his F2 drive.

"This is everything that wanted to make me join, not just obviously 'you can drive a Formula 1 car', but everything that led up to the Formula 1 test, the time at the factory, the race sim support, the 2023 car development."

"The main thing that really pushed me to join Alpine was to be able to know I can grow more as a driver."

"There's so many things that are happening in the lap in the Formula 1 car, and I took that as an advantage when I came back to Formula 2."

"It really helped slow everything down and really give me more time to think for what I'm doing now."

Listen to the full interview below.