German climate change group disrupts Berlin E-Prix

A group of climate protestors climbed fences and ran onto the track ahead of the Berlin E-Prix.

Protesters on the Formula E grid being removed by security. (Simon Galloway / Formula E)
Members of the group Letzte Generation or “The Last Generation” invaded the Berlin Tempelhof circuit prior to the start of the second race of the Berlin double-header.
The start was delayed while security and police removed the protestors from the track, with the race starting after a five-minute delay.
“It's time to slow down. Because we're on the highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator,” read a tweet from the group.
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🦺‼️Wir sind auf der Rennbahn der @eFORMELde, um Alarm zu schlagen.
Es ist Zeit, vom Gas zu gehen. Denn wir sind auf dem Highway in die Klimahölle mit dem Fuß auf dem Gaspedal. 23, 2023
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