Faced with a difficult start to the F2 season, Victor Martins is living in the moment

Tyres squealing, a puff of smoke from his rear brakes, Victor Martins is facing the wrong way on track at Melbourne's Albert Park circuit.
A moment of calm as the car's motion comes to a halt, a pirouette to the left after hitting the curb at turn seven and launching three wheels of his ART Grand Prix car into the air. Then, the opposite lock comes, a desperate attempt from the French driver to stay out of the concrete barriers, and the car completes another complete rotation, this time to the right, whipping the driver through the maximum moment of acceleration of the routine before he emerges facing in the direction of traffic once again.
It is a calm incident, with Martins denying the record crowd the spectacle of carbon-on-concrete through a blitzing reaction and whip of the wrists. Zane Maloney pilots his Rodin through the small cloud of smoke and around the stricken car, the red flag falls, and Martins is out of the session.